et transition
des modèles agricoles

Fermes d'Avenir

Created at the end of 2013, the Fermes d’Avenir association, has the mission to develop agroecology. Through the creation of farms, its trainings, its competitions, its publications, its participative financing platform or the events it organizes, the association has woven links with about 500 farms engaged in an agroecological approach throughout France.

In order to support these farm models, particularly with regard to economic aspects, the Fondation Avril wanted to support Fermes d’Avenir in carrying out surveys and descriptive sheets that are easily accessible via an online digital map. The objective is to carry out ten in-depth surveys of “triple-performing” farms.

For a farm to be triple-performing, it is necessary:

  • Farmers who make a sustainable living from their work
  • An agriculture that preserves life on and off the farm
  • An agriculture that feeds the population in quantity and quality


Created at the end of 2013, the Fermes d’Avenir association, which joined the SOS Group in 2016, aims to accelerate the agricultural transition. It is aimed at the different actors of the transition: farmers and future farmers, companies, territories, landowners, citizens and consumers. The association is organized around several activities: Production, Training, Awareness and Financing. The team has about fifteen people in Tours, Bordeaux and Paris.



In 2012, the French Agroforestry Association (AFAF) launched the Agr’eau programme to implement agro-ecology and protect water resources. Agr’eau is applied on the scale of large river basins. The historical pilot region is the Adour-Garonne basin supported in particular by the Water Agency. Agr’eau is a network of farmers, advisers, researchers and private and public stakeholders.


Conducted by a consortium of key players in the agricultural sector, initially led by Fondation Avril, the project initiated by NumAgri aims to promote value creation for French farmers by facilitating data exchanges between actors in the agricultural sector, from the farm to the consumer.

Call for Proposals – Territories with Positive Agriculture

In 2019, Fondation Avril and French government launched the call for projects « Massif central, Territories with Positive Agriculture » in order to initiate the emergence of local multi-actor projects in Massif Central (highland region, in the middle of Southern France), combining development that creates sustainable values onto territories and agricultural transitions.

MOOC « Sols et Changement Climatique »

As part of its « Soils and Climate » mission, Fondation Avril supports Agreenium through the development of an online course (MOOC – « Sols et Changement Climatique », Soils and Climate Change), to help spread knowledge about soils and their role in climate change and food security.