of local sectors

Soybean sector in Burkina Faso

In Burkina Faso, Fondation Avril and Agropol signed a memorandum of understanding in 2016 with the Burkinabe Governement on the soybean sector, in particular around production development. To organise the sector, the partners have created an inter-professional structure, bringing together producer organizations and processors: « Association de Promotion et de Développement de la filière Soja » (APDS-B).

This structure has enables industry leaders to emplement the first contract system between processors and soybean producer organizations. APDS-B has carried out actions to support members on their technical, organisational and financial capacities. Specifications have been drawn up, committing producers to a level of quality and price.


2nd National Soy Day in Ouagadougou

Fondation Avril, Agropol and the InVivo Foundation were in Burkina Faso for the National Soy Day in November 2018. On this day, processors, representatives of producers and technical partners were brought together. This day made it possible to take annual stock of the project and define the work prospects for the coming months.


Created in 1983 at the initiative of the organizations structuring the French vegetable oil and protein sector, Agrocol encourages, supports and accompanies the emergence and development of oil and protein sectors for local needs.


Côte d’Ivoire Project

Following the Symposium “Entrepreneurship against malnutrition” organized on November 25 and 26, 2019 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, the Fondation Avril committed to implement, in the field, the proposals presented during this event aimed at strengthening food security and improving nutrition of populations.

“Biodiversity and proteins” project in Southern Togo

As part of a partnership launched in June 2020, AFDI (Association Agriculteurs Français et Développement International) is supporting UROPC-M (Farmers’ Organization of the Maritime Region, in southern Togo) in the diversification and development of three legume crops: pigeon pea, bambara-bean and groundnut.

CIFS professionalization project in Togo

In Togo, the Ministry of Agriculture made an official request to the Fondation Avril and Agropol to support the professionalization of the soybean interprofessional organization, the CIFS (Soybeans Interprofessional Council in Togo).

Symposium « Entreprendre contre la malnutrition »

During Sara (Salon International de l’Agriculture et des Ressources Animales), Fondation Avril organized with a group of institutional and economical partners a conference entitled « Entreprendre contre la malnutrition » on Monday, 25 and Tuesday November 26th 2019 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.