of healthy and
sustainable food
for all

Symposium « Entreprendre contre la malnutrition »

Abidjan – Ivory Coast

During Sara (Salon International de l’Agriculture et des Ressources Animales), Fondation Avril organized with a group of institutional and economical partners a conference entitled « Entreprendre contre la malnutrition » on Monday, 25 and Tuesday November 26th 2019 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.

The aim of the event was to bring together scientists, nutritionists, agronomists and entrepreneurs from agricultural and agri-food sectors in West Africa. The conference focused in particular on proteins and essential amino acid deficiency, leading to child growth failure. About 40 % of West African children living in rural areas are stunted, compared to 20% in urban areas. A child with stunted growth is at risk of cognitive and psychosocial underdevelopment. Growth retardation is symptomatic of a situation of permanent food insecurity.

Through 4 workshops, the event provided an overview of the issues of malnutrition, West African food habits and agronomic needs through the complementarity between crop and animal production, marketing,

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La Fondation Avril est soutenue par la Fondation Louis Dreyfus, la Société Générale, Nutriset, le Cirad, Bel, l’INRA, l’IRD, l’UFR Biosciences et le CIAN (Conseil français des investisseurs en Afrique)


Banques Alimentaires (Food Banks)

the Foundation also supported 7 local initiatives led by local Food Banks, to enable people in precarious situations to access quality food aid.


In 2017, Solaal designed and distributed the guide « Le don agricole de A à Z », which lists 35 action sheets and 50 testimonies from committed farmers.